Before you start weightlifting, it’s crucial to seek proper training. This includes understanding how to lift the maximum weight you can and then lifting 80-90% of that weight in eight to ten repetitions. This approach stimulates testosterone and human growth hormone, which leads to increased muscle size.
Tips to Maintain Strength & Muscle Mass
If you are unable to lift heavy weights, don’t worry because researchers have found that you can still get almost equal effects with a lighter workout.
For people who lifted just 30-50% of their maximum one-repetition weight for up to 25 repetitions, four times a week for 12 weeks, the muscle strength, lean muscle mass, and muscle fibre size they got were nearly equal to those of participants who went through a more traditional weightlifting schedule of 10 repetitions at 75-90% of their one-rep max.
The reason behind this was continuing weight lifting until they reached total muscular fatigue. As claimed by the researchers, that would be done repeatedly until the effort of the final lift is almost an eight on a scale of one to 10.
Moreover, by lifting lighter weights you have the possibility of fewer injuries and a much lesser intimidation factor. Following are more reasons to start lifting (even lighter) weights now.
Weight Loss
Proper training can actually help get rid of body fat more than cardio alone. It also helps to preserve and build more lean muscle mass which means better metabolism. Moreover, it helps to get rid of the belly fat too.
Combat Osteoporosis
With time, muscle and bone experience loss in aging especially in women. Weightlifting can really help strengthen bones because the stress results in more bone being deposited. It eventually results in greater bone density.
Fight Depression
Studies have found that lifting weights can improve symptoms of depression just as effectively as running – great news for those who don’t like to run or can’t.
Improve Heart Health
This strength training can help you by improving cardiac health as it helps make the blood pressure lower naturally. It also ensures improving blood flow throughout the body only if it is practiced regularly.
Regulate Blood Sugar
Weightlifting increases white muscle, a type of muscle that uses glucose for energy. Thus it eventually lowers blood glucose levels in the body.
Prevent Back Pain
By making your core muscles stronger with the help of weight lifting, the muscles that support your spine, are more likely to get deprived of the pain caused by daily activities like sitting at a desk all day long.
Improve Balance
With the ageing process, there’s no chance of losing your balance as it is dangerous because of the risk of serious injury. Weightlifting strengthens small muscles known as stabilizer muscles that keep you steady, balanced and prevent falls.