Male Infertility 9 Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

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By Dr Humna

Male infertility refers to any health issue in men that reduces the chances of conceiving with a fertile female partner. Affecting nearly 1 in 7 couples globally, male infertility is a common yet often misunderstood condition. This article delves into the symptoms, causes, and effective treatments to help you better understand and manage male infertility.

9 Symptoms of Male Infertility

  • Complications in Conceiving: Regular, unprotected intercourse with fertile reproductive women.
  • Poor Semen Analysis: On semen analysis, there may be a decrease in sperm count (oligospermia) maybe a change in Morphology, or a large no of sperm are non-motile and many more abnormalities would be seen by semen analysis.
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Medical Conditions: Autoimmune disorder (ASA), diabetes, varicocele, thyroid disease.
  • Low Sexual Desire.
  • Depressive personality.
  • Social Isolation.
  • Abnormal or less face and body hair growth.
  • Abnormal breast development.

Causes of Male Infertility

  • Genetic conditions: A boy born with an extra X chromosome (XXY ) with less hair on the face and body and abnormal breast growth or muscular dystrophy in which muscles become weaker and not properly contracted after relaxation.
  • Medical-related Conditions: Autoantibodies form against the sperm (ASAS) and cause infertility. Diabetes and cystic fibrosis, thyroid issues also affect fertility.
  • Infections:- childhood history of mumps, Sexually transmitted diseases like (Gonorrhoea, and Chlamydia ).
  • Structural Abnormality: Problem in sperm delivery there may be obstruction in route varicocele.
  • Hx of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer treatment has several effects on sperm count.
  • surgical history of orchiectomy(removal of testes).
  • History of trauma on the private part.
  • Endocrine Disorders: In which hormones are imbalanced ( FSH, LH, and testosterone).
  • Environmental and lifestyle problems:- Hx of smoking, drug addiction, and alcohol consumption are the main parameters to decrease sperm count. A sedentary lifestyle also badly decreases fertility.
  • Birth Defects: Undescended testes

Management and Lifestyle Modifications

History: Medical and surgical history.

Examination: Hernia, swelling in scrotal region, scar mark.

Investigations: Semen Analysis sperm count, motility, morphology, and volume parameters are important landmarks

Hormone Tests: Testosterone, FSH, and LH levels.

Imaging: Scan to evaluate the obstructions.

Treatment Options for Male Infertility

Repeat semen analysis after 3 months

Lifestyle modifications

Multivitamins such as Surbex-z

Antibiotics in case of infection

Contact a Urologist for further treatment

FSH, LH, and testosterone levels

IVF, ICSI, or other techniques.


In obstruction cases, reverse vasectomy

Men who undergo fertility concerns need to consult a fertility specialist for guidance and treatment.

How to Increase Sperm Count and Improve Fertility

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